Name the Crew!

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I don't know about you, but the older I get the harder it is to remember people's names.  So I thought it would be a good idea to caption all these Branson photos with the names of the people in the pictures.  Trouble is, I don't know all the names.  So how about helping out?  All you have to do is match the person to the numbered list.  Just highlight and copy the numbered list, click on the email button, paste the numbers in your email, enter names by the appropriate numbers in your email, and hit the send button -- I'll take care of the rest.  If you don't know everybody's names, don't worry about it.  I'm hoping several people will respond and if they do we ought to be able to identify everybody.  Let's give it a try!

Bill Anderson

Full Group

Copy the list below, then click on the email button, and then paste the list into your email.  Then type the correct names into your email and hit "send."  Easy, huh?

Full Group List

2. Charles Bright
3. Juanita Downing
4. Steve Downing
5. Jim Dochterman (Orville Dochterman's son)
6. Orville Dochterman
9. Martin "Barney" Banyas
10. Leta Anderson
11. Fred Anderson
15. Fred Perry's daughter
16. Fred Perry
17. Jean Wong
18. Steve Wong

Email the List


Thanks to Dave Griffith, I think I have all the names in all the right places for this picture.  You can see Dave's notes below.  I wonder why Barney Banyas is in Dave's picture below, but not this one?

Crewmen List

1. Fred Perry
2. John Jeskey
3. Fred Anderson
4. Charles Bright
5. Mike Hardy
6. Herb Olive
7. Steve Downing
8. Dave Griffith
9. Ivan Cannon
10. Orville Dochterman
11. Bud Hazelwood
12. Jim Shortridge
13. Steve Wong

Here's the info provided November 25, 2008, by Dave Griffith by way of his daughter Lorraine.  Very helpful.  Thanks!  But who are the ladies in the first picture above?  Even worse -- the crew look so good in their coats and ties in this picture that I can't recognize a few of them in the first picture above -- the less formal one.  Help, please.  Anyone?